Bug that gives -16 Constitution?

Home Forums Bug Reports Bug that gives -16 Constitution?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Amon.
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    I just got level 14, and I believe I understand the basics of the game.

    While working thru the 250 foot level, I saw my stat screen giving me a (-16) in Constitution (I noticed because my Endless Health was only providing +1 HP).

    I finished combat, checked my stats every way possible, and cannot find any temporary status that should give me a -16 CON. I checked all equipped items (does this game do ‘cursed’ items?), I even unequipped everything, and still have (-16) next to my CON stat. I used Word of Recall, tried healing in town, even tried saving the game, exiting, and reloading …. still have (-16) CON.

    I’m out of ideas. Did I overlook something?


    Not Sure if it is that. Some monsters can reduce stats – right now only Constitution was touched for me. Drinking a Constitution potion might be worth a try.


    Yep, that did it. I thought <stat> drain was that temporary condition you could recover from with a successful save, but apparently it lasts until you consume a potion.

    In my opinion, that’s not a great feature of the game:
    Here, let’s make a mechanic where people have to carry around more items that cost them more money ….. because grinding thru mobs for money and carrying contingency potions is what people will like most about this game.

    Just my two cents.

    Edit – in fairness though, I should have thought of the potion, in retrospect.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by jneedler.

    It is a great idea to carry those potions around at least until you find some other protection from those effects. You can find equipment eventually that can protect you from stat drains of that sort.

    Thanks for playing!

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