Can't play game after beating Drazul?

Home Forums Feature Suggestions Can't play game after beating Drazul?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Amon.
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    I beat Drazul, and figured I would try the game with a mage. I started a new character, but now when a I get to the second level – there are no stairs down. I even used a Detect Stairs scroll to make sure I wasn’t missing them.

    Is that it? Is it game over? They don’t want people replaying this game, just one and done?


    If I remember correctly at Level 2 there were no stairs down. You had to clear the level, find the town‘s guard, find stairs up. Once you return, stairs down will be available.


    Yes, I found the lost guy and returned him. I even got the follow on quest in the city (the ‘kill the ravager’ quest).

    I just can’t -get- to the ravager, because my Dungeon only goes to 100ft now. :/


    When you got To the second level: you have to beat the summoner boss there and report to the town


    As Honk says, you can only go past the second level once you have completed the quest to kill Sumrata. Then, when you return to level 2, the stairs will be there.

    Thanks for playing!

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